show about me

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I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and have been practicing for over 16 years. I am specialized in couples therapy and work with individuals as well. When I work with clients I teach them necessary skills to improve not only their relationships but themselves as well. My hope is for my clients to make changes that will make them healthier individuals which will then make their relationships healthier and happier. If you're interested in obtaining information, setting up an appointment, or learning more about my practice please visit my website at you can also go to my page on psychology today at

Thursday, December 5, 2019

It's the Holiday Season

This Holiday Season, work on not letting yourself get overwhelmed. Make sure you are taking time for yourself, care of yourself and your relationship.

A good way to take a break from the chaos and preparation for the holiday, is to take some time for your relationship and start a tradition together!

Some Holiday tradition ideas:

  • Bake cookies together
  • Watch a Holiday movie with some hot coco
  • Volunteer or buy gifts for an organization or people in need... Do a good deed 
  • Make an ornament together
  • Set a relationship goal for the New Year
  • Bring some treats, food, or toys for the animals in your local shelter
  • Make a gift for each other
  • Make a card for each other 
  • Give a sexy stocking stuffer
  • Decorate together 
  • Make a special meal together
  • Go look at Christmas lights 
  • Sit with each other and reflect on the highlights of the year
Have a Wonderful Holiday Season All!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Unhealthy Relationships versus Healthy Relationships

In UNHEALTHY relationships couples:
  • Avoid conflict 
  • Do not discuss issues 
  • Do not express feelings in a healthy way
  • Are defensive 
  • Yell and curse at each other
  • Put their partner down, say hurtful things 
  • Are not accountable for themselves, their own behaviors, their actions or their wrongs
  • Do not look for a solution
  • Do not compromise 
In HEALTHY relationship couples:
  • Talk about conflict
  • Discuss issues 
  • Express feelings and listen to their partners feelings
  • Do not take things personally therefore, do not become so defensive
  • Do not yell nor curse at each other, instead they speak gently to each other 
  • Do not put their partner down and do not say hurtful things to one another
  • Are accountable for themselves, their behaviors, their actions and their wrongs 
  • Look for solutions
  • Compromise 
This is not All of, but some of what creates a healthy relationship versus an unhealthy relationship.  Hopefully it provides some insight into yourself and your relationship.  

When in a relationship, both partners should be loving, caring, thoughtful, helpful, supportive and let us not forget RESPECTFUL.  

Friday, April 5, 2019

A healthy YOU is required for a healthy relationship

I believe that when we take care of ourselves, our relationships are better, healthier.  When I work with a couple I always do a level of individual work, making sure that they are being accountable for themselves, and making sure they are taking care of themselves, mentally, physically and emotionally.  

What does it mean to take care of yourself mentally, physically and emotionally? Mental is the way we process things and emotional is the way we express things and I believe physical speaks for itself. I look at all three as going together hand and hand.  If we take care of ourselves physically i.e., exercise, eat healthy, get enough sleep, spend time with friends, do something we enjoy, we are going to benefit mentally and emotionally.  Mental and emotional care should also consist of, decluttering our minds by writing or journaling, meditation, talking to someone in our support system, reading, or relaxing.  

Hoping you can see how they all intertwine and how it is important to give to yourself.  Listen to yourself and learn what you need and when you need it.  If we do this we can improve our happiness which will improve the happiness in our relationship(s).  

Always put you first and care for you, if you don't, how do you expect to care or be good for anyone else?