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I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and have been practicing for over 16 years. I am specialized in couples therapy and work with individuals as well. When I work with clients I teach them necessary skills to improve not only their relationships but themselves as well. My hope is for my clients to make changes that will make them healthier individuals which will then make their relationships healthier and happier. If you're interested in obtaining information, setting up an appointment, or learning more about my practice please visit my website at you can also go to my page on psychology today at

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Part Two: Letting go of being right

For the Benefit of YOU

If you are going to be concerned about being right all the time you will miss out on opportunities to learn from others and you are keeping your mind closed to a world of information. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to walk away from a conversation feeling like, “wow that was interesting, I never knew that, and I feel okay that I didn’t know that.”  Feeling like you gained new knowledge of something, instead of your usual walking away angry or upset or arguing your point of why you are right……that sounds like a lot of work and aggravation to me. 

If you can work on letting this go, you will benefit in ways such as;
Ø  You are allowing yourself to be more open minded, gaining new ideas and information. 
Ø  You will become a better listener.
Ø  Your self-confidence and self-esteem will improve.
Ø  You won’t worry about what others think so much.
Ø  Your relationship with your partner and relationships with others will improve.
Ø  You will be HAPPIER!!!

My Thought
We do some of our best learning from our mistakes!!!

Next week: Part three.  Benefits for couples