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I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and have been practicing for over 16 years. I am specialized in couples therapy and work with individuals as well. When I work with clients I teach them necessary skills to improve not only their relationships but themselves as well. My hope is for my clients to make changes that will make them healthier individuals which will then make their relationships healthier and happier. If you're interested in obtaining information, setting up an appointment, or learning more about my practice please visit my website at you can also go to my page on psychology today at

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A New Year, Time for Change...

A New Year….. a time where most of us make a New Year resolution with the hope of starting off fresh. This is a time most people look at themselves and think of things they would like to change.

This blog post is a challenge I would like for you to take. What is something you feel that you can change about yourself that may improve your relationship? Is there something you do in particular that your partner has brought to your attention that may offend, annoy or start conflict with them? Take your time and be honest with yourself and think of one thing about you, that if you change you feel may make a difference in your relationship and put it to the test. Stay focused and aware and put the effort into making that change in yourself without letting your partner know. Do this for at least a month and see if it has an effect on your relationship, and if your partner notices.
Consider keeping a journal, jotting down the challenges you faced when trying to make this change.  Ask and answer questions such as; What did you do to stay consistent? What worked for you and what might not have? How did you stay consistent even if you were feeling angry? What differences did you notice in your partner? How did you feel about yourself? This is a great reference for the future as well. 

This exercise is very effective if you follow through and stay committed to it. You will benefit in many ways, especially by noticing you are capable of change and it is wonderful to see how it really can affect your relationship and your life.

My Thought:
For me personally, I do not make a New Year resolution because I believe that it does not have to be a new year to start something new. We should always be conscious of the changes we should and need to make to improve our lives and go for it no matter what time of year it is!

· YOUR part in the relationship…A look at YOU
· Throwing away right and wrong
· How we end up with the spouse or partner we have
· More effective communication tips
· Intimacy and Romance
· Infidelity