- Avoid conflict
- Do not discuss issues
- Do not express feelings in a healthy way
- Are defensive
- Yell and curse at each other
- Put their partner down, say hurtful things
- Are not accountable for themselves, their own behaviors, their actions or their wrongs
- Do not look for a solution
- Do not compromise
In HEALTHY relationship couples:
- Talk about conflict
- Discuss issues
- Express feelings and listen to their partners feelings
- Do not take things personally therefore, do not become so defensive
- Do not yell nor curse at each other, instead they speak gently to each other
- Do not put their partner down and do not say hurtful things to one another
- Are accountable for themselves, their behaviors, their actions and their wrongs
- Look for solutions
- Compromise
This is not All of, but some of what creates a healthy relationship versus an unhealthy relationship. Hopefully it provides some insight into yourself and your relationship.
When in a relationship, both partners should be loving, caring, thoughtful, helpful, supportive and let us not forget RESPECTFUL.