a couple, of course we are going to have differences. We are different people from different places
and different families. Some differences
may not change and may always be there. Unfortunately,
couples allow their differences to cause conflict or even end their
am here to encourage you to stop fighting about your differences and instead
learn how to embrace them.
I think it’s important for you to explore with yourself why those differences
are such an issue for you. The impact of
that difference is most likely more about you than your partner. Why is it affecting you? Does it have to do with wanting to be right (my
way is better)? Wanting control? What’s going on with you that it is creating
such a reaction? I always think it’s
important to explore and question yourself, you may learn something new and
helpful about you. If you have
difficulty doing this on your own, you should consider seeking therapy to
I then challenge you to open your heart and your mind and try to view your
differences in a more positive and productive way.
Differences Can:
~ Teach
you a new way of doing something
~ Help
you understand your partner better or in a new way
~ Introduce
you to something you never experienced before
~ Be
~ Produce
~ Open
you up to a new way of thinking
~ Move
you out of your comfort zone
thinking of it in a more positive way, differences don’t feel so bad after
all. In fact, I see there can be a lot
of good in differences. I hope you can
learn to do the same!
is just that…. Different. It doesn’t
make us either right or wrong, it just makes us different!