show about me

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I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and have been practicing for over 16 years. I am specialized in couples therapy and work with individuals as well. When I work with clients I teach them necessary skills to improve not only their relationships but themselves as well. My hope is for my clients to make changes that will make them healthier individuals which will then make their relationships healthier and happier. If you're interested in obtaining information, setting up an appointment, or learning more about my practice please visit my website at you can also go to my page on psychology today at

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

PART 2: "Positively Happy"

I'm hoping throughout the week you were thinking of my last blog post, taking notice of your level of positivity.  I hope you had some insight into just how positive you may or may not be. 

Here are some benefits of being in a more positive frame of mind.

Studies have shown that increasing optimism and happiness;
- Reduces risk of cancer
- Reduces stress and other physical ailments
- Increases our ability to cope with stressful issues 
- Increases our life span
- Reduces high blood pressure
- Decrease symptoms of depression
- Improves our performance at our jobs and in our careers
- Improves our relationships
- Improves our confidence
......and much more!

This week: Think of something selfless that you can do, whether it is donating clothing, giving a little extra in a tip, starting the car for your spouse on a cold morning, volunteering, or just being courteous by smiling or holding a door for a stranger.  See how you feel afterwards.   Try to make this part of your weekly routine, do it as often as you can.

***Please note that change does not happen overnight, it's a process that takes time, patience and practice.  You will find greater results if you are committed to practicing and being aware of the changes you want on a DAILY BASIS.  

Over the next few weeks
I will be discussing topics such as forgiveness, acceptance, appreciation and gratitude, which I feel are some of the stepping stones to building a more positive frame of mind. 
I will also continue to share techniques to increase positive thinking.

My Thought:
The more optimistic you are the more options you have, doors open and hope stays in place.  Pessimistic thoughts close doors, giving less or no option(s) and hopefulness is nonexistent