Therefore, it is very important for you and your relationship to own up to your own faults and flaws. And so, a way of changing your relationship is also changing you!
Next time you are having an
argument or feeling like your relationship is not where you want it to be, try
to ask yourself some of these questions;
What was my role in that argument?
What could I have done differently?
What do I need to be more conscious of?
What are the things I need to be working on
about myself?
Where do I want my relationship to be and how
can I make some change to get it to that place?
Talk to your partner about what
you both need to work on, not only as a couple, but as individuals. It’s about listening to one another and being
more conscious of your own actions. Once you start to be more conscious of these
things and work on your own “stuff,” when your partner notices these changes
not only will they feel heard, but their attitude will be different now too. Hence a change in the relationship! So make sure you are putting your time and
energy into changing something about you and not your partner.
My Thought
Remember: You
cannot change anyone but yourself and when you change you, the things around
you will change too!