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I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and have been practicing for over 16 years. I am specialized in couples therapy and work with individuals as well. When I work with clients I teach them necessary skills to improve not only their relationships but themselves as well. My hope is for my clients to make changes that will make them healthier individuals which will then make their relationships healthier and happier. If you're interested in obtaining information, setting up an appointment, or learning more about my practice please visit my website at you can also go to my page on psychology today at

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Anita's Quick Tip for Conflict Resolution

When you and your partner have a disagreement, stick to topic.  Couples often start with one issue and then branch out into many other issues.  This is not only overwhelming, but makes it very difficult to resolve anything.  This month, work on being aware of staying on one issue at a time!

My Thought:
Work together in this, and if one of you slips up, the other should give a gentle reminder of what you’re working on.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Embracing Our Differences:
As a couple, of course we are going to have differences.  We are different people from different places and different families.  Some differences may not change and may always be there.  Unfortunately, couples allow their differences to cause conflict or even end their relationship.

I am here to encourage you to stop fighting about your differences and instead learn how to embrace them. 

Firstly, I think it’s important for you to explore with yourself why those differences are such an issue for you.  The impact of that difference is most likely more about you than your partner.  Why is it affecting you?  Does it have to do with wanting to be right (my way is better)?  Wanting control?  What’s going on with you that it is creating such a reaction?  I always think it’s important to explore and question yourself, you may learn something new and helpful about you.  If you have difficulty doing this on your own, you should consider seeking therapy to help. 

Secondly, I then challenge you to open your heart and your mind and try to view your differences in a more positive and productive way. 

Differences Can:
~ Teach you a new way of doing something
~ Help you understand your partner better or in a new way
~ Introduce you to something you never experienced before
~ Be motivating
~ Produce self-growth
~ Open you up to a new way of thinking
~ Move you out of your comfort zone

After thinking of it in a more positive way, differences don’t feel so bad after all.  In fact, I see there can be a lot of good in differences.  I hope you can learn to do the same!

Different is just that…. Different.  It doesn’t make us either right or wrong, it just makes us different!